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All Student Organization 128 Residential Education 20 Greek Life 22 Academic Department 50 Offices 63 Athletics 3 Class Officers 4 Club Sports 6
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  • Alpha Chi Rho

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Lou Mohan

    Alpha Chi Rho has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Alpha Delta Pi

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission

    Alpha Delta Pi has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Alpha Omicron Pi

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities


    Alpha Omicron Pi has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission

    Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Alpha Tau Omega

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission

    Contact: Rodney Tosten

    Alpha Tau Omega has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Chi Omega

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Lily Reilly

    Chi Omega has a total of 12 points.

    Parent group: Panhellenic Council

    Lifetime membership

  • Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, Inc.

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities


    Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, Inc. has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Delta Gamma

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Delta Gamma has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission

    Contact: Zmaria Morris

    Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Gamma Phi Beta

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities


    Gamma Phi Beta has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Interfraternity Council

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities


    Interfraternity Council has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Lambda Chi Alpha

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission

    Lambda Chi Alpha has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Multicultural Greek Council

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities


    Multicultural Greek Council has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Order of Omega

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities


    Contact: Sarah Laud

    Order of Omega has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Panhellenic Council

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities


    Panhellenic Council has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Phi Delta Theta

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities


    Phi Delta Theta has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Phi Gamma Delta

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission

    Contact: Jan Klinger

    Phi Gamma Delta has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission

    Sigma Alpha Epsilon has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Sigma Chi

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Dan Nguyen

    Sigma Chi has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Sigma Nu

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities


    Contact: Will Hetzel

    Sigma Nu has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Sigma Sigma Sigma

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission

    Sigma Sigma Sigma has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

    Greek Life - Fraternities and Sororities

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Aliya Wilson

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has a total of 12 points.

    Lifetime membership

    Group Re-Registration

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