Order of Omega

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

The National Greek Honor Fraternity, the Iota Chapter of Order of Omega at Gettysburg College was chartered in October 1991. The purpose and principles of the Order of Omega are:

  • To recognize those students who have attained a high standard of leadership in inter-Greek activities, to encourage them to continue along this line, and to inspire others to strive for similar attainment
  • To bring together the most representative fraternity and sorority individuals and to create an organization that will help mold the sentiment of the institution on questions of local and intercollegiate affairsTo bring together members of faculty, alumni, and student members of the institution's fraternities and sororities on a basis of mutual interest, understanding, and helpfulness
  • To bring together members of faculty, alumni, and student members of the institution's fraternities and sororities on a basis of mutual interest, understanding, and helpfulness

Qualifications for Membership

The qualifications for membership in the Order of Omega are character, scholarship, and intelligence, service, and leadership in the inter-Greek affairs of Gettysburg College.

To be eligible for membership in the Order of Omega, a student must meet the following minimum requirements:

Junior or Senior Standing

3.24 GPA or above

Good Standing in a Greek Organization