Queer, disabled, and BIPOC writers
Transgender Muslim woman writing about Ramadan and the Orlando Pulse shooting
Race, ethnicity, and queer leadership
Faith, religion, spirituality, and queer leadership
Read: For me, being Latino means living between two worlds
Read: Hungry Days in Nunavut: The Façade of Inuit Self-Determination
Listen: "Of Bloodlines and Conquistadors" on NPR
Watch: TED talk "Changing the Way We See Native Americans"
Watch: TED talk "My Journey to Uncovering My Native American History"
Read: Growing Up Arab in America
Listen: People Portraits by Duke Students: Iraq, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen
Read: "America's Next Generation of Muslims Insists on Crafting Its Own Story" from NPR
Read/Listen: Becoming Muslim: Rabi'a from Spiritual Edge
Read/Listen: Becoming Muslim: Aaron and Raul from Spiritual Edge
Read/Listen: Muslim Voices from Religions Texas
Watch: "Successful Day at a Mosque" from Have a Little Faith
Read: How Growing Up a Buddhist Shaped My Life
Listen: Somboon Rattanawerapong oral history interview from Religions Texas (Buddhist)
Listen: Alexia Leclerqc oral history interview from Religions Texas (Buddhist)
Watch: "Getting Zen with a Buddhist" from Have a Little Faith
Read: Meet Those Who “Love Jesus but Not the Church”
Listen: Do You Believe in God?
Watch: I Don't Have a Religion
Read:Meet the “Spiritual but Not Religious”
Listen: Opinion| What it Means to be Spiritual
Watch: I am Spiritual but not Religious - What Does that Mean?
Read: Living as a Catholic in Utah
Listen: Therese Quinto oral history from Religions Texas
Read: The secret lives of Ireland’s Protestants
Listen: Growing Up Christian
Watch: "Episcopal Misconceptions"