Constitution & Bylaws

The Gettysburg College Student Senate Constitution & Bylaws are ever changing, please refer to the Parliamentarian's documents below for the most updated version.


"We, the students of Gettysburg College, do hereby establish this Constitution of the Student Senate of Gettysburg College. The Student Senate of Gettysburg College, being elected and appointed by our peers, dedicate ourselves to the betterment of higher education and student life in the campus community. Our focus is to provide a representative, unifying, responsible, and accountable government for all. Dedicated to the idea of democratic self-governance this body collectively swears to abide by the will of the students of Gettysburg, maintaining the rigorous ethical values of this institution. Therefore, the Senate of Gettysburg College shall implement, create, and maintain an environment that promotes student academic and social excellence. Having received the appropriate proportions for ratification, this Constitution shall take effect the fifth of December in the year two thousand and twenty-two and supersede all previous documents."

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