Interfraternity Council

Become part of the IFC fraternity community!


About Us

The Inter-fraternity Council (IFC) is the governing body for the 7 North American Inter-fraternity Conference (NIC) fraternities, as well as Phi Delta Theta at Gettysburg College. The IFC oversees inter-fraternal activities, adjudicates conduct violations, and works to align the fraternity community with the mission of Gettysburg College.

Member Organizations

There are currently 8 fraternities that belong to the Interfraternity Council. They are:

Requirements to join a fraternity

In order to be eligible to join a fraternity at Gettysburg College, the following criteria must be met. If you meet all of the listed criteria, you can register for recruitment via the link below.


In order to be eligible to join a fraternity, you must have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA.

There is also an appeal process available for anyone that falls within the 2.2-2.49 GPA range.

Conduct Expectations

In order to be eligible to join a fraternity, you must not be on a probationary conduct status.

There is no appeals process for conduct. Anyone who has conduct probation should contact the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities to inquire about next steps.

Class Year

Gettysburg College participates in full-year deferred recruitment, which means that students cannot join a fraternity or sorority until they have reached sophomore status. Sophomore status is determined by the Registrar based off of credit hours completed.

Interested in joining a fraternity?

Register for recruitment!







