Campus Publicity

Signs in CUB

Student organizations recognized by the College and College Departments may post on designated bulletin boards. External groups may not hang posters in the CUB unless sponsored by a recognized student organization or Gettysburg College department. No posting is permitted on boards designated for administrative department use. All posters hung in the CUB must comply with the Gettysburg College Freedom of Expression and Civil Discourse Policy.

Display Cases Outside Bullet Hole

The Office of Student Activities and Greek Life will place your advertisement within the "Upcoming Events" display case if provided with the poster at least two weeks in advance of the event. Display case usage must be requested by emailing and posters must be delivered to the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life (CUB 210).

We recommend printing your posters or flyers at a size of 11x17 or larger, as the display cases are quite large.

Sheet Signs On Plank

Sheet signs and banners may be hung on the exterior of Plank Gym in accordance with the Freedom of Expression and Civil Discourse Policy. Sheet signs may not cover, in whole or in part, other sheet signs on Plank. Due to the outdoor location and limited space, sheet signs may remain up for a period of one week. No inappropriate signs may be displayed. If you are unsure about the appropriateness of your sign, bring it to CUB 210 for approval.

Bright Signs

If you would like your event to be advertised on the monitors in the CUB, Bookstore, Dining Center, and Jaeger Fitness Center, please email your a portrait and landscape version of your flyer to Please review the advertising policy and follow the specified guidelines.

Weekend Updates

To have your event included in the weekly campus-wide Weekend Update email, please send a JPEG or PNG file to Flyers must be received by Wednesdays at noon to be included. Only events that occur between Thursday-Sunday are guaranteed to be included in the email.